Stephanie's Fall Trips 2010 - East Texas

October 14-15, 2010

I left on Oct. 14th, Thursday to spend time at a friend's house in the country by San Augustine and Nacogdoches. San Augustine has the distinction of being in the poorest county in Texas according to my friend. We went up there via Hwy 59, passing through a couple of speed traps and stopping at Academy in Lufkin for my friend to pick up something. Eventually, we got on Hwy 103, crossing over Sam Rayburn Reservoir in two different places before getting onto Hwy 147, which leads you into town.

We got to San Augustine and stopped in the grocery store there to pick up some extra things for dinner, and the prices there were quite a bit higher. No wonder things are hard! While we were there we visited, enjoying the stars in the sky, which were beautiful! You could see barely see the milky way band stretching across the sky. The house I stayed in is 185 years old. It was originally built as a church, bought and converted into a house by a couple in the 1950s. The current owner bought it sometime in the 1980s. The house is original except for the walls and ceiling to build the bedrooms and bathroom, and the kitchen. I don't remember what was said about the fireplace, but it is nice and provided warmth on a chilly night. The third photo below is the view of the fire from the right side.

The furnishings are of an older style, as you can easily see.

The house itself. The siding is not original, but it will be taken off in a future restoration and the original siding that is underneath will see light again.

Around the house. It's pretty nice out there, with a good-sized backyard.

I had a good visit, staying up very late at night, talking and shooting blow darts with a blow dart gun, which I had never done before. I had to get up in the morning, as I wanted to see a little bit of Nacogdoches before arriving back home and meeting my friends from Plano in the afternoon before driving back out THIS evening to Conroe for the Texas Renaissance Festival on Saturday.

I pulled into Nacogdoches. I passed by the Main Theater along E Main Street.

I'm in the town square area. This is classic! I love it.

In front of the statue, you see the following plaque, and then the bricks laid into the sidewalk in front of it, paid for by the family members, friends, business owners, and patrons of Nacogdoches.

Then I had to go home in time to meet my friends coming down in the afternoon.

Texas Renaissance Festival