Stephanie's Family Reunion 2010

Day 2 - July 26, 2010

Crossing into Arkansas, I could feel the air starting to cool off about 50 miles in. There was lightning to the east, and I ran into maybe 15 minutes of rain on the way to Little Rock. Although I was driving in darkness, a full moon was out, which helped me to see pine trees as indistinct, but tall shadows, which seemed to be everywhere! I could also see where it was still flat like Texas in the distance. And although I was driving at night, I could at least see the night skyline of Little Rock. Feeling that I was up to it, I continued onto Memphis. The air was really getting cool, which I really needed to help me stay awake until I could pull off just before sunrise.

Getting close to Memphis, I was wondering how I was going to know I was going to cross into Tennessee. The bridge with the twin arches and lights on it over the Mississippi river was a sign, obviously. I could see the shimmer of the river waters in the reflection of the night skyline and wondered how much of a night life would be happening around 2-3am on a Monday morning. There was a dark pyramid building off to the left right after I crossed the river. I went around Memphis on the north side and kept going until I got to Brownsville, Tennessee, about 2-3 hours west of Nashville. I got there about 4 30 AM and got a room for the day. I ate a few peaches and was in bed by 5 30.

Getting up around 3 PM, I ate and started getting ready with mid-size towels, not the full size bath towels that are supposed to be provided. These were about 1.5 feet by 2.5 feet. One was pretty wet by the time I dried off. I left for Nashville around 6 PM. I ran into a bit of rain and got to see two partial rainbows, which were showing strongly with all the beautiful colors.

It got really cool during the rain. Coming out of a rest stop, the car started to stumble while getting up to speed. I don't know what it is, but I decided that I wasn't going to slow down and drop back down into that speed range where I felt it. Oddly enough, it didn't happen again, but my confidence has been shaken now. I had to get gas and got to the Brentwood REI store just in time to introduce myself and eat my dinner. I took photos of the outside and of the closing shift staff of the store and got a copy of the welcome sign signed by the ranking closing manager of the night. A part of this little store ritual is to eventually travel to as many REI stores as possible, take photos, and get a signed welcome letter from the ranking manager at the time of the visit, and laminate the letter. Real proof that I have visited these stores! A lady working there is a musician in the Nashville scene, so we talked music for a little bit while they were shutting the store down for the night.

I was finally on my way to KY around 10 PM, later than I wanted to be. I went right through downtown Nashville! Lights everywhere! Going through KY, there was some hill climbing and dropping back down the other side, enough to have to make me pop my ears as I could feel and hear the difference in the way things sounded. There wasn't much to be seen at night out here. One thing I noticed, that I hadn't seen before, was that tractors greatly outnumbered cars, and they were driving very fast! I was like, "If the economy is in such doldrums, where are all those tractors with goodies going?"

Day 3